
SS-2CAT All Terrain Field Paint Machine

Original price was: $350.00.Current price is: $325.00.

Goals4Sports offers the Sharp Stripe – 2 Can All Terrain Field Marking Paint Machine which sprays two cans of Dura Stripe at a time for an extra thick line on the turf.

Cut your Field lining time in half! The most important feature of the Sharp Stripe – 2 Can All Terrain Paint Machine is that it sprays using two cans and each can is slightly angled in opposite directions creating a V-pattern spray, thus hitting both sides of each blade of grass, leaving you the brightest line you’ve ever seen, created in half the time.



Goals4Sports offers the Sharp Stripe – 2 Can All Terrain Field Marking Paint Machine which sprays two cans of Dura Stripe at a time for an extra thick line on the turf. SS-2CAT All Terrain Field Paint Machine has a V-pattern spray that hits both sides of each blade of grass, leaving you with the brightest line you’ve ever seen.

SS-2CAT All Terrain Field Paint Marking Machine

With this in mind, have you ever painted a sideline, looked back, and thought to yourself; “What happened to the line I just painted?” I know I have.

Fact: When you use a normal paint striping machine the paint is only hitting one side of each blade of grass, therefore; it looks faint and you usually go back in the opposite direction which hits the other side of each blade of grass and now it looks good.

Therefore, with the Sharp Stripe – 2 Can All Terrain your problem has been solved!!!

The Sharp Stripe – 2 Can All Terrain

is a durable heavy-duty machine with 12 Aerosol cans for easy storage. This machine lays down the brightest white line and won’t kill the grass.

As a matter of fact: You’ll have the Best Sprayed Field Lines, with the Best Paint, using the Best Paint Machine, at the Best Price!

Together with Durastripe paint why wouldn’t you purchase the Sharp Stripe – 2 Can All Terrain???


  • Easy Assembly
  • Heavy Duty Metal Design and Construction
  • Big 10″ All Terrain Wheels
  • Cross Handle
  • Locking Mechanism for Continuous Spray without pressing the handle
  • Easy to Walk Behind
  • Rolls Smoothly producing a straight line
  • Fits the whole case for storage
  • Sturdy, Compact, and Easy to Use
  • Paints a field in half the time

Of Course, if you have any questions: Please Call Goals4Sports @ (401) 244-5951 or (401) 623-8300 between 9 am – 5 pm eastern time for freight quotes, email us at Our goal is to reply within a couple of hours during business hours. However, please allow up to 1-business day.

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Additional information

Weight 20 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 18 × 32 in

Select Paint Machine, SS-2CAT Paint Machine